Network marketing has been around and growing online for many decades now. Some studies estimate that nearly thirteen million people are involved in network marketing businesses in the Unites States alone. This industry is growing for many different reasons. Below are just a few factors supporting the growth of this business model.
1. There are many different types of products available through this sales format. From power, to weight loss products, water purifiers, to household goods; network marketing businesses have their hands in many pots. The diversity of products available means that nearly anyone can benefit from one of these companies. You just have to offer your customers the right fit.
2. This business model emphasizes good salesmanship and customer service to build relationships with your customers. The skills necessary to succeed in this business lend legitimacy to your business. You are making money selling real products to real people, and you make money because you are good at what you do. This is a scam-free business.
3. This business provides opportunities for multiple revenue streams. You earn commission off of the sales you generate. You are also rewarded, though, for bringing others into the business modelβs fold. When you branch out and bring in new associates, you will earn a percentage of their sales as well. You will make money off of your sales and off of the sales anyone you bring in makes, so it makes sense to share this career opportunity with as many people as you know who would be good at this type of selling.
4. These businesses require little money down. For a couple hundred dollars on the high end, and sometimes for free, you could have your own business with many affiliate opportunities. There are very few opportunities for this kind of business growth with so little money required in initial investments.
These overwhelming advantages to network marketing have driven many people towards this business model. Do you have what it takes to win friends and influence people with your sales skills?
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