Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Taking Care of Business Home Style

So you think you are capable of building, developing and maintaining your own business. You must get used to the idea that there are no little fairies anywhere that will worry about your responsibilities. You will need to worry about them or delegate to someone else.

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Some of the things you need to have together are for example your domain name registration. You should get reminders from your domain registrar so don’t ignore them. Check your spam folder frequently to see if you have any real mail there. If you let the domain name registration expire you will need to reset the DNS (domain name servers) to match your hosting account after you renew it.

If you let it expire long enough you will even have to go through a 30-day waiting period where you can’t register it but people at auction can. They may try to sell you your $5 domain for $200. (Don’t do it). You will wait it out and if nobody hijacks it you can register it again. Oh – and in the meantime your website is down and your business is essentially closed.

This could all happen because you are not taking care of business. Other examples are your hosting account. They usually have a little grace period and may notify you if they try to debit your account and are not able. If you don’t respond they will shut down your website until you pay them what you owe. This means again your website is down and your business is essentially closed.

This is also true with your autoresponder and your prospects may be being turned away with ‘not active’ or ‘Ooops” messages. In either case you are losing them probably forever. If you have memberships in affiliate programs, they too will likely try to debit your account as agreed and if they can’t they will let you know. If you don’t respond your affiliate ID is deactivated and any advertising you may be doing will be for nothing as the would-be customer is getting an error message rather than a sign-up screen. You need to make a note of the date your payments are due.

Buy yourself a calendar or set one up online – whichever you think you would be more likely to access on a regular basis so you don’t miss a critical date. If you have always worked in a corporate or retail environment you are probably used to everything being done for you and/or being reminded that you need to do things. However this is part of the structure you need to build for yourself in setting up your home business. Don’t let phrases like ‘passive income’ and ‘autopilot’ dissuade you from being actively engaged in your business so that you know what is going on.


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