We should always be prepared for the unexpected. There are always constant changes in life and we can’t let things throw us off balance when they do. It is just a normal part of life which is not ‘a bed of roses’.

In a sense that is why one of the wisest beliefs is to ‘never gamble with more than you can afford to lose’. That way if you do lose it won’t ruin you – it will just make a little dent, sometimes referred to as ‘the cost of doing business’.
This refers in this case to for instance ‘investing’* money in yourself as part of a business opportunity. It can happen that through no fault of the program that their fortunes can turn for the worse. As a member and participant unfortunately you may be dragged down along with them. This is always a gamble that may not be avoidable.
It will be easy for you to blame the program, especially if you don’t understand the circumstances. Believe it or not a financial institution can actually persecute the company for too much success too fast. It is not just that they are skeptical and suspicious but that they are being forced to pay out large sums of money too fast.
As a business entity the payment processor aka financial institution, are required to accept the government’s rules and regulations. They need to ensure that they are not participating in a scam knowingly or otherwise.
In some cases they will put a ‘hold’ on people being able to receive the money they have earned, supposedly to allow the financial institution to accrue sufficient funds to pay everyone that is owed. In some cases the government becomes suspicious of the rapid success of the company and begins to make accusations.
The problem with this is that true or not, they usually believe in ‘guilty until proven innocent’ and in the meantime they believe they have the right to confiscate funds from members and programs that were paying as promised and as innocent as they could be. Even if at the end of the day they return or release the funds to those that do own them, all would be well.
However, you almost never hear of that happening as they spend the money on ‘receivers’ and nefarious legal fees – the best you are promised is ‘pennies on the dollar’ and even that you will likely never see even if you wait years (based on past situations and watching them play out).
So again don’t be surprised if it happens to your home business and be prepared in advance by not sinking every dollar into one opportunity, no matter how golden it may appear to be. Be sure to diversify your ‘investments’.
* (Note buying advertising is not ‘investing’ but this is the usual accusation that changes the legal standing where they are able to grab the juggler vein and ‘confiscate’ your funds).