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Loving Working from Home

Most people, whether they realize it or not are ‘freedom-loving’. Working from home is a great example of being able to have a life that is free. Not that you can shirk your responsibilities or that you don’t have to work, but it is just the whole dynamic that allows you to be free. It starts with the minute you wake up in the morning. You are not forced to get up at a certain time and rush around madly to get somewhere on time.

love working at home

When you work from home you are free to get up when you wake up. You can then calmly get ready to begin your day in a relaxed and pleasant way. You may have a plan for the day, and maybe not. As long as you realize your priorities and one of the top ones is earning a living. There is a little trick to this and that works only with consistent discipline and motivation. Your business can’t be an after-thought.

You can structure your day around some outside activity since you are free to work the hours you feel are preferable at any given time. So some days you may want to work a little in the morning to cover your bases and see what is going on and then escape. You would come home ready to complete your work day and might work for a few hours or more to get everything done that you need to.

The point is it is up to you and your life is flexible. One of the worst things about a ‘j-o-b’ are the rut-like characteristics of being required to show up at an exact time, leaving at an exact time, etc. If you are working from home you have the freedom to make every day slightly different. Maybe work straight through until done and then close up shop for the day. Maybe stay out all day and work at night.

Seriously if you work at home you can look at the clock as 24-hours – any part of that can be work time where you devote 8 or more hours to your business. It just doesn’t have to be all jammed up into that little 8-hour window you have to get everything done when you are living in a rut.

Of course you have seen all the ‘work in your pajamas’ ads on the Internet. Yes you can, but it gets old pretty fast. You probably want to take a shower and get dressed even if it is into a clean sweat suit or other comfortable ‘casual wear’. Shoes are optional!

There are many circumstances where you can work from home. Many businesses allow ‘telecommuting’ and if you explain the environmental benefits to your employer they may agree to let you work from home at least part of the time. There are freelance opportunities if you have skills that you can sell to clients online, for example copy writing or Internet marketing tasks. The easiest and fastest way to get a business started from home is probably to become an affiliate marketer.

With the affiliate marketing model, you can join a program and they will provide a web page and other resources to help you advertise their program in exchange for earning commissions. You can earn money for referring people to the business opportunity or by selling their products and/or services. You can get started immediately and start building in your spare time while you plan on ‘retiring’ to work from home on a permanent, full-time basis! There should be no contracts or commitments beyond month-to-month so it is easy to try different things until you find something just right for you.

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