There is a saying that goes like this: ‘practice makes perfect’ Athletes build their strength and skill by practicing. They reach plateaus and if they keep their momentum going consistently, they continue to move forward in their skill. It is the same with marketing as you are building and sustaining momentum by constantly taking action to promote your home business.

Artists also keep practicing and learning techniques. In the military they continually test their endurance and develop their skills using weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Marketing is very much the same in that the more we practice by taking action, the better we will get at doing what we must do.
In building momentum another way this is important is that most people will not respond. This is your challenge. Don’t become discouraged or give up. You have to increase your efforts and have enough volume that those people won’t matter. Eventually you will learn to focus only on the ones that do take action and respond. They are the ones that will help you build your business over time. In any case you just need to keep pushing forward no matter what it seems like.
It is easy to lose your way when you elaborate on that you may not see any positive results in the beginning (because you haven’t got the momentum yet). This is normal. However, normal is not always right – in fact often it isn’t right at all. Catching a cold is normal, but it’s not good for anything, and we just want to get rid of it because it is annoying.
Sometimes we must take special steps to ensure that we don’t allow ourselves to get discouraged and stop trying. We may have to talk to ourselves continually to guard against negative thoughts and feelings. If you don’t stop them they will become an attitude. If you make a conscious effort to combat them they will stop eventually. Replace them with something which is positive and focus only on that until you are feeling better.
You can visualize the beauty that is always here even when you are personally not feeling well. There is nature – the sky, the water, fresh air, the trees and flowers. There is much good for everyone to share. Think about how lovely it is. Think about people who make you feel good, or your family that love you. You can take a minute or two to remember things you have accomplished that made you a winner. Like starting an online home business!
Remain focused on your target goals. In this case it is to create a profitable business via Internet marketing. Realize that you may have to ‘wash, rinse, and repeat’ over and over and over again before you will start to see any results. Understand that is just how it is. It’s how it usually works and you shouldn’t get in a rush or feel that you are failing. It should make you try even harder.