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Be Happy and Start Your Own Home Business

We spend a good percentage of our waking life working. That is one reason it is important that we feel some happiness and/or satisfaction in what we are doing. Sometimes you really have to talk yourself into it because the situation is not all you would hope it could be, but it is your life and you have to live with it.

be happy!

It is human nature to want more than we have or to feel we could do more. This may even be what motivates us to go ‘the extra mile’ to take control and change our situation for the better. Note that successful or not, just the fact that you are making an effort to take action above and beyond what is required, says something about your strength of character.

No matter what the situation, it is important to realize there is much to be thankful for. It may help to make a mental list of these things. If you have your health then you are blessed. If you have a loving family there is another blessing. Even very basic things that we take for granted definitely shouldn’t be. Not everyone has water, food or shelter and we are so fortunate if we do.

So just based on the fact that you can work – you have a way to support yourself, for better or worse, you should be able to consciously feel good about your life. If your job doesn’t make you feel happy and satisfied then you need to see how it could be a lot worse without it. So maybe that is the reason you can try to do more than just cope.

With that said, you shouldn’t let anything stop you from trying to exceed your current situation; so again, be happy while you make an effort to change your plight, by for example starting your own business part-time, and building it up with your long-range target goal being to support yourself entirely from your own endeavors.

You may not be crazy about some of the tasks you may need to do for your own business. In fact it may take you a while to realize you are working without pay while you are starting it up but it is more than OK! It is important to be able to convince yourself to be happy with it. Certainly have fun with your business if you can. Almost certainly you will find that the atmosphere of working from home is far and away more pleasant and creative than working at job day after day.

“That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes.” Albert Einstein

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