Just about everybody could use more money than what they have. In fact it seems like the more you have the more you spend, right? Well, ok, normal but it may also be a good idea to stash $5 in savings each time we get a little extra. In fact we should create extra just for savings. Whatever else you are able to earn, then that could be for anything you need or want.
![Extra Money](http://www.pluginprofitsitecoop.com/images/blog/bigidea.jpg)
It may seem boring to see the word ‘savings’ right when you were all excited about the prospect of having ‘mad money’ (money you have been living without but which would be nice to have). It may also have occurred to you how boring it is to know you have agreed on an annual salary for your current job and nothing will change that sooner.
At the best you can put forth extra effort in the hope that you will be recognized and your salary will increase next year. You may also shoot for a bonus on your next performance evaluation. Depending on your manager’s opinion and the politics and financial health in your company, you may or may not see any of the above – maybe again – next year.
So what can you do other than find a better job? You can take control of your own finances and start a home business to earn more money in your spare time. You can give yourself a promotion and a raise every month because you are your own boss. You make the decisions for better or worse.
The truth is it takes very little money if any to start a business online If you have a computer and an Internet connection you have a potential business. You can even start out with free affiliate programs to learn the trade. You could perhaps start a couple for free and then decide which one is the most likely to succeed. It may cost you a few dollars (dinner out) to upgrade that program so that you can earn more money.
The best part to this is not just the extra money you will eventually have. The best part is the feeling that you will have because you are in charge and are going the extra mile to see more out of your life.
It may take a little effort and time for the income to become substantial. If you can keep your motivation up high, you will see that the more effort you invest over time, the more extra income you will have created. Someday you may even be able to quit your boring day job and work from home full-time online!