Especially if you want to see what having a home business is all about, affiliate marketing may be the easiest, fastest and least expensive way to start a business from home. A few points that demonstrate these facts are that the program will provide free a web page to use to advertise on day one of your membership. No real technical skills are required. Do you need to estimate how long it would take you to learn how to program a website, or how much it would cost to have it done for you?

While an ‘affiliate sales page’ is usually not a website where you can change and customize it, it is a link address that is ready to advertise from day one and really may earn you some commissions when you have done sufficient advertising. There is virtually no wasting time. Just having access to this major tool will give you a huge step up that allows you plenty of time to focus on earning commissions. (which is the point).
Even more critical is having a product to sell without spending years in development , testing and market research. A huge reason that affiliate programs rock, is that they have already spent the time and money to develop either tangible or digital products.
Part of your membership in the program gives you license to profit from their intellectual properties. You can earn a percent of the sale price without investing half your life. In addition you can also earn money for referring others to the business opportunity. You probably figured it would cost a lot more money to start a business and skills you do not have.
It is assumed you have a good computer and reliable Internet connectivity. This is the foundation of your “business in a box”. Beyond that necessary equipment, your expense as well as effort will be largely focused on advertising and marketing to promote your business. There are some expenses associated with this, however you will quickly see how much less expensive it is to do anything on the Internet. Just compare any action you may take offline to the same thing online.
The relationship of the affiliate program and the member is one of that is a perfect exchange all around. The member receives the right to earn money from the program and to use various resources available free to members to help them such as banners/images encoded with their affiliate ID, maybe even some Internet marketing tools such as an autoresponder and/or content to use in email marketing.
In return the member advertises the business. This means the program will spend less on the advertising so there is a fair exchange. All the affiliates will need to do if they want to earn commissions is use everything they have been provided with as aggressively as they are able.