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Information is Power Only If You Take Action with It

We certainly do see a lot of references to the fact that information is power. It is great to know facts and theories but unless we use it for something it is just filed away in our memory bank. We are very fortunate in having access to the Internet which is a vast ocean of information. There is almost nothing that you may wish to ask a search engine that you can’t get pages of links that reference your topic.

use info-power

The point being with regard to Internet marketing and all that this involves, we can get a good idea of the techniques and strategies absolutely for free if we are just interested. So the initial action would be to use the available, free resources online as a constant reference. Whatever it is, just ‘look it up’ (search). This would seem particularly relevant to new terminology that we encounter if we are just starting out to develop an online business.

This is more important than you might think because if you are reading instructions and you encounter a word or acronym you are not familiar with, if you just ‘evade’ it, whether you are conscious of it or not, from that point on you are in a kind of haze. So actually not taking a minute to find out what it means, is possibly wasting all the time you spend after the encounter. If we use a recipe for a cake as an analogy, leaving out the leavening will produce a flat rock rather than the fluffy delight we are hoping for.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one area that may be one of the least understood elements in the beginning of an Internet marketing career. It just sounds very technical and as such seems to create almost an aversion. The reason it is so important that this be overcome sooner rather than later, is that #1 the search engines are like the traffic cops – they can pretty much make you or break you as far as traffic being one of the top concerns for an online business, so you want to do all you can to cultivate a good relationship; #2 It is a powerful, free way to promote your business.

With just a little bit of research and probably millions of links that can help you toward that end, it seems like this would be one of the primary strategies to promote an online business. Instead it seems like only when one becomes more sophisticated or experienced they take the time to find out what SEO is about and to begin to use it. It’s no wonder that so many people quit before ever getting to that point, and in truth the only problem is they weren’t really interested in putting forth the effort to learn.

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