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Things to Consider When Designing a Business Opportunity Website

Although there may be some important things to consider if you are designing a business opportunity website, the main focus should be to attract search engines so they will direct traffic to your site. It is also highly relevant to attract prospects that may become customers.

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With regard to search engines, it is actually best to focus on one niche at least per page if not the entire site. You want to make it easy for your site to be added to their index. That index is very important to any business because this is where people will find the links they have queried.

A swipe file that has a good list of keywords that you can use to help you in creating your content (information and advertising, etc.) is very helpful for defining your focus. “Targeted traffic” is the best kind of traffic as it zones in on your keywords (niche). Targeted traffic focuses on what you have to offer.

One of the main tasks for creating either content or a business opportunity website is keyword research. This is a very important and should not be overlooked. To do this you would take the obvious ‘root’ words that you know of that refer to your business, such as ‘home business’, ‘business opportunity’, ‘affiliate marketing’ and etc., to start with. There are various keyword research tools that you can use online and you can see how to build ‘more keywords from these root words to build your list of keywords.

For example phrases like ‘online home business ideas’, ‘money-making affiliate programs’, ‘best online business opportunity’, use those root keywords and show you a variety of ways to use them in your writing content and advertising. These phrases are referred to as ‘long tail keywords’ in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

You can use those root words in different ways so that your content doesn’t sound boring or spammy (repeating the same phrase over and over again). With just little twists you can keep your writing interesting (and not get slapped for spamming keywords); and you can actually rank for multiple keywords in the same document.

With some of the better keyword research tools, they will show you more ways those root words are used and how many sites are using them in various formats. You can focus on using the root words in a way that fewer of your competitors are using them so there is less competition for that word or phrase. For example you see that 1000 websites use ‘home business ideas’ but only 500 use ‘ideas for a home business’. See how your chances may be improved with the tiny twist?

If you build your website to include a blog or at least to have a blog that is linked to your website, this makes it much easier to submit ‘fresh content’ to your website. This is an important factor as search engines like ‘fresh’. It is much easier to add a blog post than to try to keep redesigning a static HTML website so your site has something ‘different’ that the search engines will re-index. As well, with a blog you can easily add meta “tags”, on the fly for each one of your posts rather than the old-school tedious HTML code.

To have a strong foundation for your business opportunity website or content, you just need to focus on welcoming your human traffic (prospects). For them the site should be easy to navigate with organized menus and site maps so that they can find exactly what they are looking for – ideally in multiple ways, without getting lost in the process.

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