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Promote Your Internet Home Business Using the Power of Search Engines

It is believed by some that the search engines can make or break your Internet business. You want to do as much to optimize your website and advertising to profit from the power of search engines as possible. If you have a website or online business, be sure to learn about search engines (SEO = search engine optimization).


No matter what else you do or don’t do to promote your business otherwise, you should include SEO. SEO is a super benefit because it is very powerful if done right and it is free to boot! You also want to take care not to do anything to get on their bad side.

‘Content is king’ when it comes to search engines. That means that it is not some technical mumbo-jumbo that you need to learn, it is just that you need to have good, original content on your website, blog and advertisements. They call this ‘value’ and if they are going to send their customers to your site, they want to be sure that your site has ‘value’.

Maybe the saying should more accurately say ‘fresh content is king’ because when the search engine robots ‘crawl’ your site they are looking for new information. Initially when your site was built it was Indexed according to the content, keywords, etc. They will check back every 30 days or so to see what is happening.

If nothing new is detected by the robots, they will just exit, leaving you at the same place in the index as you were last time they crawled. The problem with this, is since that time, millions of new sites have been added to their index and your site is at the bottom of the index. You can visualize a pile of paper with each new entry being added to the top. Another reason you can’t rest on your laurels but have to post as often as possible is to stay as close to the top (the first few pages) as you can. This takes time and effort.

When people go to a search engine and search for your keywords they will see your link, click it and visit your site. (this is what is referred to as ‘free, organic traffic’). The best way to make sure your site has fresh content, is to either build the site on a blog platform or add a blog to the site – Much more simple to add a blog post (article) or page, than to try to change the site code, etc, to make changes all the time to keep creating ‘fresh’ content in HTML.

Whenever you are at a social network, business forum or article marketing site, use your domain name in your signature to create a back-link from wherever you are, back to your site (domain). You should build hundreds of back-links as time marches on, to get the most power from the search engines. Activity is seen as that you are engaged in your business, rather than just some site that sits on the Internet collecting dust.

One thing that will help you (and may be critical) is to have your site verified by Google and to submit a sitemap. This will help ensure that the search engines can find you and easily access your site. You would do this by getting a Webmaster account from Google.com.

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