If you have a blog associated with your home business you should be using it frequently – daily if possible or close as you can get. If you do not have a blog associated with your business, get one today.

It is a powerful, FREE way to get free traffic that may become sales or leads (your list). If you can’t even do this much to promote your business, with all due respect, you may not be serious or committed enough to ever succeed with your online business.
Maybe this is the issue and the juncture where you should make a decision. You want a business, or not really that much. Hopefully it won’t be the case here, but maybe you should just quit while you are ahead if it doesn’t mean enough even to do something for free to promote your business.’ It will still require time and effort to compose blogs unless you can pay a ‘ghostwriter’ or have some other blog service.
This should be pretty telling to ask yourself if you really want a business or would you rather go out to lunch? On the one hand you are building and developing something that will pay you back someday if you play your cards right and invest your time and effort for an extended period. On the other hand, if you can afford to go out to lunch then you can afford to get your business running but only if you really want to.
You can set up a blog at blogspot.com absolutely free. It is just basic but it will work to get traffic to your website. (Use your domain name URL to your website or affiliate link as part of your signature on each article). The search engines will help you to build back-links to and from the blog or website.
Or if you don’t mind spending a few dollars to buy a domain and hosting you can also set up a free WordPress account and have a blog there. With WordPress you can actually create a top-level website on your domain and then add WordPress (*blog) using a simple utility in your hosting account cPanel.
The cost for both domain and hosting is minimal – the cost of doing lunch out – once a year for the domain name registration and once a month for the hosting cost.
Even though it seems like the majority of people trying to start a home business cry broke, almost everybody has a few dollars they can spare themselves to build some kind of an operating budget if they have the right priorities. You will be the only one that will regret it if you make the wrong choices.