Our most creative time is in the morning they say. We can also retain information best at this time. If we have gotten enough sleep, then we have the most energy for the day when we wake up. One of the biggest selling points for a home business is that we can control our time.

We can work when we want to and stop when we want to, etc. If possible we should get things done early when we are thinking clearer. Don’t get in the habit of putting things off. If we do, they will seem as if they are low-priority, and we will possibly begin to just exclude them from our daily business tasks.
Being your own boss and not being accountable to anyone but yourself, it can be easy to just ignore things we need to do. You are accountable to your customers, peers and prospects if you want to have a profitable business. It is too easy to tell yourself to put something off until later and then either forget it or do a poor job because you are tired and need to rush because you have waited until the last minute. A very bad idea.
Having a business needs to be taken seriously if we want to be successful. It has to be one of your top priorities whether you work at home full or part-time. We have flexibility as part of the beauty of working from home. If there is something special you need to do, you can always juggle things around so you can get everything done that is required.
There is great diversity among people. There are some that work better at night. They should do whatever works for them. With a home business, things are not rigidly controlled by hours such as 9 to 5, where we have 8-hours to do your job or be late (bad form). If you get behind it will begin to ‘catch up with you’ and your job performance ranking will begin to degenerate whether it is an outside job or your own business where you work from home.
Look at the clock as 24-hours. Realize you have much more time to do everything you need to do each day. So you are free when you work from home to work a few hours here and there. Just so you get it all done timely most of the time.
Every waking hour shouldn’t be spent glued to your computer. There has to be moderation – a balance in everything. Enough work, enough rest, enough play and enough money. If we can achieve this balance, we are doing great!