For some reason online businesses seem to come and go a lot. This is one more reason why having multiple streams of income is such a wise decision; since If one source of income suddenly ‘dries up’, it won’t matter, because you have a number of opportunities that didn’t.

There are plenty of programs and systems that have been around for over a decade or more and if you don’t already participate this may be a good time to get on board. Just like a stock portfolio it is wise to have risk (new) and stability (old) in balance for the same type of reasoning as multiple streams of income.
In fact, you could even look at this as a new opportunity to add something fresh to your portfolio to replace the program that is no longer available. Whatever you do, don’t go down with it – there should not be any ‘sacred cows’. If the program is gone then there was something wrong some place. Be glad you were not dragged down with it – although the situation may represent a financial loss to some degree, hopefully you can recover easily.
It can be disappointing if you really believed the program was a good one and it was paying off. Look at it as being good while it lasted and be grateful that you were able to benefit from it while it was still viable. Then pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move on to the next opportunity.
Maybe you learned a few things from this experience which represent more value. Learning is very important and sometimes it has to come from ‘the school of hard knocks’. Hopefully your ‘education’ will come through the information you are able to gather in the future, before the fact.
It would be ideal if you did your due diligence and were able to watch the program’s performance and listen to the buzz for a few months before you make a decision one way or the other. So bottom line is don’t get too entrenched anywhere that you don’t feel comfortable in making a change where one would benefit you from whatever perspective you happen to be in.