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Promoting an Online Business – Writing Content

Writing is a primary skill for the Internet marketer. Don’t panic. If you can talk, you can write. It is as simple as that. It is about having a conversation. You are actually addressing the world, and many people may read your content and understand it in a different way.

write on!

This is not exactly like talking to yourself. However you are really not getting any response, or even facial expressions, so you have to try to imagine and keep the conversation going on your own. A question and answer format is a good possibility however. In fact that is actually a good way to describe the features of whatever it is you are promoting.

Specifically, you can pose a problem (a question) and then define a solution (an answer) which involves what you are selling! An example would be ‘Does not having enough money to enjoy your life bother you? (problem).’ ‘If you answered yes, then maybe you need to check out this money-making opportunity’. (solution)

Provable facts and statistics are very powerful and may really make the difference between someone believing what you are saying or not. You can for instance list the features and functions of the product. You can quote a study or a statement you may find by doing some research in Internet search engines like Google. You could also include ‘testimonials’ as long as they are honest (not paid for or bribed).

When you have a business, there are many opportunities to write ads in various mediums, to post to your blog, to post to social network ‘walls’, in business forums, and in email communications. You might someday create an eBook. It is not required that you create Pulitzer Prize winning content. It only requires you to be somewhat clear (organized and honest)so someone else can understand what you are trying to convey.

The key to doing your own writing for your business is to just start doing it. Get it all out there and then go back and improve upon it if you feel it is necessary. Proofread your grammar and spelling. Just stop feeling that you don’t know enough or you don’t write well enough. Practice makes perfect.

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