‘Easy’ is a very subjective word and may represent very different things depending on who you are talking to. What is easy for one person may be difficult for another. Some popular terms are often misconstrued. It should be emphasized that ‘easy’ and ‘autopilot’ and ‘passive’ income, while they do exist, need to be implemented before they can be so. Entrepreneurs that use those terms should not hesitate to be honest that it took them some time to reach their goals.

There is no magic to these terms. We have to be logical with ourselves and others. So many seem to be in denial and assume that because “Joe the HomeBiz Wizard” (who worked every day diligently for 2 years to be where he is financially) can do it, then we can just overlook the time it took him. We can figure because Joe is sharing his ‘secrets’ that we can just read it once and enjoy the same benefits. Woo Hoo! Rich by lunch! Probably not…
The problem with this ‘pipe dream’ is that it can be highly disappointing when things don’t work that way. Time and again dreamers will start something and give it half an effort just ‘to test the waters’ while ignoring the fine points about the investment of time and effort that are necessary for any profitable business.
So that is why after not giving a business a chance to develop – and just allowing yourself some pre-set ‘probationary’ period, that makes several invalid assumptions, deluded people will quickly pronounce that the program is not good , or even that it’s a scam and quit trying. The main problem is having pre-conceived attitudes, (and bad advice from amateurs) which are the opposite of having an open mind and a ‘learning spirit’.
It would have been much better if he could have played along and followed the program. Best if he tried to benefit from the (usually free) training provided, did some research on what was said, and did some due diligence. He should have made an attempt to determine what a feasible plan will be for him. He needs to have a logical plan that will allow him to facilitate everything so as to meet reasonable, achievable target goals.
However, it wasn’t exactly easy because there was a lot of work involved and a lot of time to build a business. We had to learn a lot of things along the way. During this time we didn’t know if what we were doing was going to work. The results are determined mostly by how much time and sincere, aggressive effort was invested. If it didn’t get a fair chance, it may not have the results you hoped for.