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Creating Valuable Content for your Home Business Blog

One of the most intelligent ways to promote your business website and/or your business opportunities, services and products, is using your blog. It’s intelligent because it is free; it’s intelligent because it is permanent advertising that will still be working for the life of your domain or blog address; intelligent because it can utilize the power of search engines if done correctly; and intelligent because it will bring you free, ‘targeted’ traffic, which is the most advantageous kind of traffic.

create value

One of the most long-standing precepts in Internet marketing is that ‘content is king’. It has a twin and that is ‘provide value’. Content as king would provide valuable information which may help others and attract people to your business. If you write or otherwise provide good, valuable content, you may begin to be regarded as an ‘expert’. Your valuable content is a good way to build relationships of trust. There is a belief that you may cause someone to feel subliminally that they owe you because your information has helped and inspired them. Ideally this could translate into their wanting to give you their business when they are ready to take action.

Pushing or selling is not really providing value unless it is done discreetly. It can actually have the opposite effect. If you just use the approach of providing valuable information, or to share your opinion initially, you should just be laying the groundwork or planting the seeds for a beneficial relationship. Let the person breathe a little and have some time to consider what you have given them.

Your home business blog will represent more value if you are mindful of these points. If your posts are nothing more than ‘spammy’ advertisements, that is just how they will be received, rather than as having any real ‘value’. They say ‘it’s not what you say but how you say it’. Of course it is fine to promote your business by pointing out the best features, or to discuss your success with it. It helps others to know what you are learning and gives them confidence to know you love your team, mentor or etc. (and why). All of these things encourage someone to follow you.

With the purpose of maximizing your potential to get traffic from the search engines, you should do some keyword research and find meaningful phrases that apply to your website content. You should use the keyword phrase in the title and a few times in the text – but do not over-do it (keyword spam).

Make a real attempt to be consistent in posting to your blog frequently – daily or weekly if possible. If your blog is at a different address than your website/domain, be sure to sign each post with your name and the URL of your business. Be sure to hyperlink the URL so that the person has a convenient and instant way to ‘click’ over to see what you have to offer there.

Your articles do not need to be expert or prize-winning writing, but you should make a reasonable attempt to check spelling and grammar. There are people who will judge you and your business ‘sense’ by the impression they get from your writing. At the same time with so many that have English as a second language, the rules are a little more understanding of ‘imperfect English’ these days.

Remember to always be honest. If you say that you ‘guarantee’ something then you must be willing and able to honor that promise. There are people who will hold you to it. You should never guarantee how much money someone will earn or by when. If they don’t earn that much money in that particular timeframe, you may be called upon to make good on your promise. Always be completely truthful in your claims.

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