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Your Home Business Blog Can Provide Valuable Content

Promote your website and your business opportunities, services and products, using your blog. This is one of the most intelligent ways to do powerful advertising online.

Write On!
Being a 100% free advertising technique – now that is intelligent. It’s intelligent because it is permanent advertising. It will still be running for the life of your domain or blog address. Using your blog is intelligent because it attracts the power of the search engines to generate free, ‘targeted’ traffic, which is the best kind of traffic (most likely to buy).

“Content is King” of Internet marketing because it provides so many different aspects that favor business. They say when people log on to the Internet they are almost always looking for information. In other words their first priority is not buying something necessarily.

The information that is of value may influence their decision to buy one thing or another. If you provide good, useful content, you may become considered an ‘expert’. They may even seek you out to see what you have to say about whatever issues they have.

Providing value is a good way to build trusting relationships. There is a belief in IM that you may create an atmosphere where someone may feel subliminally that they owe you because your information has helped and inspired them. This may translate into their wanting to do business with you at some point.

Pushing or selling is not psychologically the same as providing value. It can actually have the opposite effect. If you just approach people in a natural way to share information and/or to share your opinion initially, you could be planting the seeds for a mutually beneficial relationship. Give people some space and let them have some time to consider the ideas that you have presented to them.

If your blog posts are nothing more than ‘spammy’ advertisements, that is just how they will be received, rather than considered to have any real ‘value’. It’s so true that ‘it’s not what you say but how you say it’. It is fine to promote your business by elaborating on the best features, or to discuss your success with it. Let the person decide what they want to do with the information. Be sure they feel free to say yes or no.

To maximize your potential to get free traffic from the search engines by using your blog, you should do some keyword research and find meaningful phrases that apply to your website content. You should use the keyword phrase in the title and a few times in the text – but do not over-do it (keyword spam). Once in the subject or title and one or two times in the content is just about right.

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