Will we do the work when we are our own boss? What’s more will we keep working diligently if we are not being paid? Will we be able to keep investing our resources and assets into our business for an extended period without seeing any return on our investment (yet)?
What if that is what is necessary and while not glamorous enough to be called ‘the magic sauce’, it is exactly what makes the difference between those who eventually have a reliable income from their home business and those who give up after a few months and have to get another job.
Somewhere along the line – maybe their next job – they will realize that they will need to dig deeper to get to the place where they have the discipline and the focus to ‘pay the dues’ (do the work); and to spend the time to learn how to do what is necessary to grow from each experience.
Whether or not your home business is a successful business this time or not, you made progress just because you tried – and you got closer to the truth about whether you will or you won’t do it; and then only time will tell if you ever actually do. The key is to not quit trying. It is such a truism, the saying ‘you can’t fail unless you quit’. If you continue trying you really never have to say you failed.
It’s not an easy thing to have more than one job, especially with family considerations and etc., all pulling for your time. Many people are forced to have more than one job, in fact it is nothing new anymore. It of course is mostly because one job does not create sufficient income to keep up with the constant increases in the cost-of-living. No more the luxury of just firing your boss because they wouldn’t meet your salary demands or because it was a ‘dead end’ job with no hope of progress. You just feel lucky to have a job at all if you read the news.
You are in charge of your own destiny and if you need more money but you do not want to lose your main source of income no matter what, then you will have to either get another part-time job or start a business from home in your ‘spare time’. Sure what you want and deserve is a ‘raise’ – a ‘merit increase’ for a job well done. If it isn’t happening then you will have to do more work for more money. It’s not fair but it is just the way it is sometimes. The hope is that someday maybe you can quit your day job and just work for yourself from home so you really control how much you make.
It may take a few years because you really want to be able to rely on your home business income if you are replacing a salary. It would be a good idea to actually do it for a few months before you make the grand entrance to tell your boss you quit because you are ‘going into business for yourself’. As much fun as that is, remember there won’t be any more paychecks that you have always earned and relied on. So you seriously have to know what you are doing and that it is working before you take the leap of faith!