You may consider a home business as a ‘hobby’ because you already work a full-time ‘day job’. However if you would really like to have a money-making business, or even dream of being self-employed full time someday, listen up.

While the environment working from home can be one that is more relaxed and comfortable than a regular job, we are still accountable to create a professional business atmosphere during the hours we are working. That may require scheduling time to work and sticking to it the same as you would with a job. can be one that is more relaxed and comfortable than a regular job, we are still accountable to create a professional business atmosphere during the hours we are working. That may require scheduling time to work and sticking to it the same as you would with a job.
Creating a professional office space starts with having clearly a defined area that is only used for your office. If the only space you have available is only a desk in the corner of a room, that space should be used exclusively for business. The space should be organized and straightened up each day. It is best not to spend a lot of time shuffling through piles of papers which will create more productive time you have to accomplish your goals.
Your home office space should be healthy. This means for example, well-lit. People are more productive and positive with bright lighting. You need good, indirect light for your work area so as not to stress your eyes. Your eyes are under a strain especially if your home business is a second ‘job’. Be sure to look away from your computer to something as far away as you can at least once every hour or so.
This will help to decrease the strain on your eyes and corresponding muscles. Be sure to have your eyes checked often (yearly). Seriously, there are some diseases of the eye that are manageable but only if you catch them in time.
Another thing that can cause you to be distracted and less focused, is not having the correct chair. You should not be straining any part of your body. Your chair arms should line up straight from your keyboard and mouse. This is the best way alleviate a lot of the pressure on your wrists.
If you don’t have a footstool, you can use a phone book because lifting your feet slightly relieves strain on your lower back, which can be caused from sitting for hours without a break. Along this line be sure to get up and move around every hour or so to keep your circulation moving. If you have a couple simple stretching exercises, do them – or just walk around your house.