Regardless of all the ‘shiny new objects’ with regard to online communications, and social networks seemingly dominating, eMail is still seen as a very valuable resource in promoting business. (by the way there was a study done recently that reported adults are already bored with social networks). So while you should use every medium that is possible to communicate online, whether by mobile or desktop, don’t think you have to pander to social networks in order to be seen.
Adobe just did a survey of over 400 US-based ‘white collar workers’, 18 or older, and it was actually surprising to see that all the obstacles and negatives about eMail does not in any way make it “tired or over-saturated”. In fact it is still highly regarded in both business and personal communications. It is still very important to keep in touch with your prospects and customers as well to continue to use it to build all kinds of relationships.
With that said there are ways to make it better and to avoid some of the things that people never did and still don’t like, such as being bombarded by too many emails from the same companies and outright spam of course. These things are likely to cause your brand way more harm than good, so why do it? You should take this literally and not just theoretically.
According to more than one study, it is a fact that a huge percentage of people, while considering email a mainstay to their business and personal life, will even go so far as to switch email accounts to get rid of the chaos being imposed on them by the unthinking. Ever done that? Any idea how much of a hassle it is? It will definitely not create good feelings for your company if it is one that was so obnoxious.
The study finds that eMail done right will still represent higher rates of traffic and conversions to sales. That means providing real value when you do contact someone. This means for example important information that may benefit your recipient as well as yourself. So many things change but the one that doesn’t is “content is king”. You have many ways to provide this value and eMail is principle among them.
It is important to your business to have something regular that you send to your prospects and customers to keep in touch that is something more attractive than plain in-your-face advertisements. This is why having an autoresponder with a sequential message series is a critical element of any online business. It is fine to advertise but doing it discreetly in the context of the valuable information you provide will be much more successful in generating a sale in the long-run.