Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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Home Business – You Have to Do it Your Way

It really shows you are creative and brighter than average if you want to develop a business on your own. Why blow it by being a jackass? Reference is to people with no experience who will ignore training and even minor documentation that might help them to formulate a plan. Oh but no, they are the center of the universe. They will pester support for answers in that they feel they are entitled to know without reading it.

listen up!

It says ‘free’ and/or it says ‘no experience’ necessary. Did it ever occur to you that you have to start somewhere? These two qualifications do in fact require your participation even if just so far as to give you a place to start from. Did I mention that you contact support usually after you mess everything up by doing it without having any reference? That’s ok support lives for you. Forget their other 100 people that they need to help. They will be glad to do everything 2 or 3 times just to cater to you.

If you are paying for service that is a different ballgame. They owe you, but still only to a reasonable degree. Why do you not recognize harassment when several times a day you are running to them with questions that are either not relevant to what you should be doing at this point or worse something that has already messed everything up and now needs to be recovered – on their time. Oh! But you are entitled more so than anyone else. (Where did you get this silly idea?).

Unfortunately the other side of the entitlement allows that you will tell people how to do their job. If they try to tell you where you should get your direction (as a kindness) you will badger them and infer threats. You as support are expected to know everything and do everything. If you are avoiding telling the person they are a pest who you feel is harassing you, or to say ‘it is not my job’, they will likely consider you hostile and condescending. Which is best, tell the truth or go with ‘the customer is always right’. (not)

The point is allow the people who want to guide you to the point where you can start to use your own ideas. Don’t be ignorant and start right in destroying everything before you access what has been provided. This especially refers to changing technical settings that you have no idea how to understand or what will happen other than somebody else will need to fix it for you.

(End of Rant)

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