With your own home business, you can go forth and prosper no matter what happens on the surface. Unlike a day job where they may eliminate your position, you are not ‘up a creek without a paddle’. With your own business, especially if you have chosen to follow the ‘multiple streams of income’ strategy, you can just choose a new opportunity to replace one that has been lost.

Particularly with the ‘affiliate marketing ‘program model you do not need to miss a beat. Everything to get started is provided to you as part of the membership. It would be good though if you had done a little research previously so that you do have some information about your new opportunity.
There is certainly no rush that would make it necessary to go into something without knowing anything about the company, principals, reputation and product. So if you haven’t so far done this, you really should run a few queries at Google.com on possible business opportunities.
Because of the way things are always changing online you should be prepared and well-informed especially about the programs/products you already have and certainly before you take action to add another business opportunity.
There are some pretty strange situations that may arise and which may impact you. You need to ‘watch’ to see something coming down before it reaches crisis proportions (especially if you have money you need to recover if the company tanks).
Be sure to read the details – the real story and not just rumors and innuendos. In almost every case it is not the program or principal who has caused the trouble. Seriously, they are usually paying as agreed and both the program and the members are doing great.
Honestly in 99.9% of the problems it is a 3rd party that is the cause of the problem. It can even be the government or bank that confiscates the funds while they ‘investigate’ their accusations (and usually nobody ever sees their money as it is spent on legal fees, court costs, etc.)
Recently a very good company has imploded and then additionally been the victim of multiple scams to ‘straighten’ the issues out for them. Really sad what bottom-feeders will do even to people already being victimized (the company and members).
So the point is don’t rush to judgement, but do pay attention and try to get out with your assets if you can, ASAP. You are not the captain in this case, so no reason for members to go down with the ship although many times there is nothing anybody can do to avoid it.