Have you thought about starting your own business in the past? Is it when you become profoundly aware that you are sick of your routine? It might be when you want to buy something and realize you really can’t afford it right now; or maybe it is when your boss seems to look down his nose at you.

Unfortunately just dreaming will not do anything except make you feel worse when you wake up. Fantasies can’t become reality unless you make them happen by taking action. It is your individual preference as well as ability to determine how long it will take you to create and implement a realistic plan to start a business. Perfectly fine that by the time you actually do it, it may have changed several times. This can be a good thing so that you get the closest thing to your dream.
Be sure to find a business that has a market. It is great if you are creative and innovative, but for a thriving business you need to appeal to the masses. Unfortunately you may need to make your name with the status quo and then roll out the really unique things you may have in mind. Show them that you have ‘what everybody wants’ before you appeal to their more abstract tastes. it is the status quo that generates business for the most part – what ‘everybody’ wants. You can do both – eventually.
An affiliate program is a great way to ‘get your feet wet’ and without spending an arm and leg, find out if you like marketing and advertising. With a simple process there is really no maze where you must spend years in the learning curve.. Maybe this is ultimately not going to be the path you choose. However, you need to learn first, and the best way to do that and get some hands-on experience is the easiest, fastest and most inexpensive way. (the ‘business in a box’).
You may end up being satisfied with being a super-affiliate making lots of money and have lots of followers; or just a ways down the road you can take what you have learned and go a different way. At least you will know and not have to always wonder.
It is important that you know how things appear from the customer’s perspective. Becoming an affiliate yourself for a while will show you things you might not realize even if you are the most proficient engineer or programmer. You do want a ‘user-friendly’ business where average people can function and be able to use the tools and resources provided.