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Got Writer’s Block? Blogging for Internet Marketing

Writer’s block is probably more about a lack of ideas to write about than the actual inability to write. When someone is new and they can’t really determine how successful they have been yet, some people will feel they have nothing to say or that they could swear is true since they haven’t had the experience. These are just temporary obstacles if a person really wants to write.

write ON!

Marketers NEED to be able to write – no matter what. No excuses unless you can afford to pay for Ghostwriters, Blogging is the primary FREE way to promote a domain, website or business. This is not just a ‘file and forget’ fact. To do so would be to waste a valuable strategy that would create an opportunity to have your site(s) indexed by the search engines and get free traffic.

We must force ourselves to write, and it is not only blogging, but writing ads, communicating with our prospects, customers, and peers; trying to convey an issue to a technical or customer service agent when we have a problem or question, and participating in social networks and forums.

Most people starting out in Internet Marketing don’t have a lot of money to spend at first, maybe even for the first several months when you are not yet generating a substantial income. This is one of the reasons that you need to just do it! Sit down and start writing. Write anything.

Pretend you are writing a letter to a friend if that helps. You do want to write as if you are open and relaxed as you would with a friend. Nobody needs to create a text book or technical specifications here, just be able to clearly convey an idea or concept – even an opinion works. Of course in some cases especially on the technical side, being able to quote statistics and citing specifications is more powerful than just your opinion.

Try to be conscientious of correct spelling and grammar, which only requires proofreading and being as accurate as possible. Very quick and easy to look up a few words on a search engine if you are not sure how it is spelled or what it means.

Most Wordprocessors have spell check so that should help too. (however they are not advanced enough to recognize some things such as words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context – for example – ‘Right me a letter’ should be ‘Write me a letter). Just take a few minutes to browse through what you have written before you publish it. Doesn’t need to be perfect, just close!

You can write about what you are learning, and/or your opinion of things that you read. Reading is an excellent way to get ideas for what to write about. Never copy word for word, but you can just rewrite anything in your own words.

Be honest if you have not yet experienced something first-hand or earned a substantial amount of money from it – There is nothing wrong with quoting people who have, as long as you are truthful and give credit to the author. Use “quote” marks to indicate you are quoting, not composing, to make this acceptable. There are tools that people use to check if their writing is being copied by someone else without their permission or not giving credit to the original author, so beware. Write ON!

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