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Tag Archives | autoresponder

Critical Home Business Issues : Be There or be Square

Staying in touch with your downline and prospects are probably a few of the most important parts of your ‘job’ as a home business owner. That is if you want to be a success over the long-term. There are different elements to this and each is important.

Reach Out

There is ‘touch base’ – what is up with you? Are there any issues you are having you would like to discuss? This is usually an obvious autoresponder message; although that may not please everyone, just ask them to write to 100s of people individually and see from their own expression how ludicrous (and impossible) that would be. The point here is if there is a problem, respond to it. Don’t and you got a big joke that may actually become angry.

Then there are always ads and new opportunities that may be sent periodically to let people know there are new tools and resources if they are interested in adding something to their arsenal or they wish to try something new because they are disenchanted with their results right now.

However the most critical of all is to be contacted by one of your people and not respond at all or fail to keep your appointment. This is particularly insulting if you have said you ‘will get back to them’ or that you have set up an actual appointment and you don’t show; with no explanation – a real slap in the face.

This is the height of arrogance and there is no telling what you may deserve as a result if this is the ‘regular’ way you run your shop. Did you ever just in general read how always making people wait says that their time is not important to you? If it is more than occasional or unavoidable, again it is a slap in face insult.

Why do you treat people who believe in you, follow and support you this way? As a matter of fact they are paying your rent. What if they all quit and went away to find a sponsor who will actually work with them? You really need to think about this from every perspective and figure why you feel entitled to treat people this way and knock it off before you need to find a job.

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