No program does magic tricks or create wealth for people. The people have to seriously work at making anything happen. Words used like ‘easy’, ‘free’ or ‘fast’ can be misleading, especially if you are hoping to get something for nothing. (wealth without work). We must be logical about these words because they are subjective – What you think is easy I may think is hard – or what you call fast I may think is slow.

With that said, affiliate marketing programs do much to help you get started. They usually always provide several different resources toward that end. Nobody, however has a responsibility to make it profit except YOU! Depending on your level of commitment and focus, the program will eventually work over time. If you are willing to invest your time in learning, implementing your promotions, and giving them time to generate results, the program will probably work for you.
Nobody can guarantee your success. Success is about what you do with everything over time to develop your business! Of course there are still things we can’t control that may affect the speed at which we see results. Just keep your effort coming no matter what it looks like. When you don’t see anything it is time to ramp it up and do more, not get discouraged and stop working.
You can pay for services to help you with the work in building an affiliate marketing business from home online if you have a little money. With no money, that’s ok but you need to do your own marketing and advertising. Not difficult to find instructions and even models that you can use. In general you will find that using the Internet is 10 times cheaper, easier and faster than anything you can do offline – for example you don’t need supplies like paper, ink, postage, or equipment like printers to send advertising messages to your prospects.
You need a mechanism to capture leads online to send your messages to or you can pay for list building services. A combination of both usually works best as capturing leads can take a long time, although they are typically more interested than those on a purchased list of no quality. You don’t want to just “buy leads” – you want to ‘build a list’ of real people. You also may need an autoresponder to manage the list and send the messages automatically.
Don’t manufacture excuses to fail – It is really simple – If you want to earn a profit, you need to do the work and spend the time. You have to be very engaged in your business at all times; albeit whatever time you choose and keep in mind the more time the better result sooner.
If you slack off or sit back and wait, you may wait a long time for nothing. You get what you give. Nothing equals nothing. You are responsible for either your own success or your own failure. Just like real life!