Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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Business is Totally About Marketing and Advertising

Particularly with online business there seems to be an image of people who sign up for a program or two and spend a few hours max seeing what is going on there. They may read some of the documentation, and/or watch a video – sort of just ‘kick the tires’. Hopefully they bookmark their affiliate link for the program. Then that’s it.
show it

They don’t seem to grasp the fact that nothing is going to happen now unless they do something with everything that has been provided to them. It can’t just sit there on their PC and in their member back office. The next step is definitely to find out what some effective methods are to market and advertise the link and use the other graphics and images that may have been provided.

This can range from suggestions and/or resources from the company that may include autoresponders (eMail marketing), list builders, safelists, solo ads, etc. You may already know blogging and article marketing in forums and social networks are powerful free strategies to get your links exposed in a discreet way without being a blatant spammer. (Tell a story – provide some value and then approach them with your link).

It can also include any other ideas that you may have (note: ‘ideas’ how good are they? How old are they? What are the results?). Ever hear of people getting actual results in the last decade? Sometimes it really doesn’t pay to do anything with old information at least until you have seen and used what the current ‘ideas’ may be since they have a more recent track record. Then by all means use everything possible at your disposal. You never know.

With any business – offline they principally depend on foot traffic and maybe hard copy ads etc., to get the word out about their company and products. Online there is very many more inexpensive and even free ways to attract traffic to your website, affiliate web page, blog or wherever you are displaying your affiliate link.

The point is do not sit and do nothing while you wait for someone to magically discover your affiliate links. Remember there are millions of links on the Internet and unless you are doing sufficient advertising and marketing to get your pages ranked in the search engines and/or otherwise visible to people, it is not likely you are going to get far.

An online home business is on your terms but it is still a business and there is work to be done if you want to succeed!

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities
Plug-In Profit Site

FREE Money-Making Website Give-Away

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