Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

So this Guy Walks into a Bar and Says…

…“OUCH!” Yes, it’s an old joke indeed. But what if… What if the guy walked into the bar, sat down next to you, and told you the following story:

So this Guy Walks into a Bar and Says...

“3 years ago I was flat broke, working at a department store waiting on people all day for minimum wage and hating it. I knew there was a better way – there just HAD to be – and I kept hearing about this “Internet Marketing” thing. So I did research, bought courses, haunted the top marketing forums and finally made my first move.

I made my own product. From scratch. Built a website to sell it. From scratch. Built a squeeze page. From scratch. In all, I must have spent 6 months on that endeavor. And do you know what I made?

Scratch. Nothing. I invested 6 months of my life and I don’t know how much money, and made maybe 5 sales. That was it.

My wife was ready to disown me. My in-laws thought I was a loser. My kids couldn’t figure out why Daddy was always in front of the computer. I felt lousy.

But I didn’t quit.

Next I bought a website. Poor decision. Didn’t make anything, lost another $310.

But I learned. Oh boy did I learn. I needed a product people WANTED – not what I thought they SHOULD want, but something they were ALREADY spending money on. A proven seller in an evergreen niche, like a “how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days” kind of thing.

So I did something different. I bought another website, only this time it had a product that had made sales with paid traffic. It had a LOUSY sales letter – yet it had made SALES. This was like buying the worst looking house in a great neighborhood. Fix it up and you WILL make money.

So I fixed it. I completely rewrote the sales letter and I bought new graphics – and I launched. I did keyword research out the whazoo and I bought traffic. I tested and tweaked. And let me tell you, that site made SALES.

I didn’t reinvent anything – I simply took something that was already working and made it better.

I made several thousand dollars from that site over the next 4 months, and then I sold it for several thousand more. And I was on my way. Today I own 22 sites earning me money, and I owe it all to that one concept – doing what has already been proven to work.”

I know you’re trying to make it online, and you think you have to have this incredibly brilliant idea that no one has ever had before, but you don’t. You simply need to find out what’s already working and DO THAT.

Online success isn’t hard. In fact, it’s been right under your nose all this time. You just have to reach out and grab it.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities
Plug-In Profit Site

FREE Money-Making Website Give-Away

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