Making money online is not difficult if you have a talent for creative writing. However, you will need to think outside of the box because instead of writing books for yourself, you would earn a living creating books for others. Even more interesting is the prospect of doing such things for less than $1,000. This would give you a strong foothold in the profitable yet undiscovered market of cheap ghostwriting.
Traditional ghostwriters charge between $5,000 to $100,000 for their services, amounts that are unattainable for the average, middle-class person. Consequently, people with less money are forced to sit on their ideas. Some may never develop them at all, simply because they do not know the secrets behind creative writing. This is where you would come in. If you offer a ghostwriting package for $1,000 or less, you are virtually guaranteed a large market of customers.
Now, some writers might scoff at writing a whole book for such a price. Yet, these same writers would create Internet articles for $2 a page. As a result, they would need to write 500 articles to earn $1,000. Compare this to the cheap ghostwriter, who would only need to write around 100 pages to net the same amount. If they can do this once a week, they could earn $4,000 a month turning around 4 books!
Another issue that bothers writers is the prospect of success with a ghostwritten book. They figure that if a book goes on to make millions of dollars, they should get as much as they can right now. In reality, the majority of new books will not get picked up by a major publisher. Authors are lucky if they can make any money off of it. You, on the other hand, earned $1,000 doing work you enjoy anyway.
There is also the possibility of residual income. If you know how to create SEO articles, you could offer a marketing package to your customer. For $100 a month, they can get additional articles to help promote their book. No other ghostwriting service offers marketing packages at such a low rate.
In conclusion, cheap ghostwriting is a fun way for making money online. The market is lucrative but untapped because most ghostwriters do not want to write books for such a low amount. You can capitalize on this perception by being the first ghostwriter to offer services that anyone can afford.
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