Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Internet Marketing – How to Believe in What You Sell

There are a few good reasons to use the products or services that you are selling. The greatest reason is because that way you really can believe in what you are saying because you know it to be a fact. This goes such a long way – much farther than so-called ‘testimonials’ from others.

Believe it!

Another good reason to use the products you are selling is that when you have sold a certain amount then you can feel that you have paid for your own through those sales, versus taking the money out of your pocket. You often see ads that say ‘buy two get one free’ and ‘sell three yours is free’. Whether purely psychological or not it works.

It never hurts to know the ‘ins and outs’ of things so that you can give really thorough statistics, etc. when writing ad copy. The more actual facts you can come up with the better. Of course beyond yourself if you can cite other reputable sources such as studies that back up your contention, then all the better.

It just seems it is easier to get into the spirit of things if you are participating yourself. This really shows the universe that you believe in what you are doing enough so that you would buy it yourself! Being actively engaged in anything will affect the tone of everything you do. Being a user really gives you insight into how things work that you might not know otherwise.

It is just a natural to make ‘back-end’ sales to your customers, especially with things you are using yourself. For example if your main product is an affiliate program and you use a certain list builder to help you sell that program you have a natural ‘lead in’.

When your customers sign up for the program, you can contact them. Thank them for joining your team, offer your assistance if they need it, and discreetly mention that you are using XYZ List Builder and getting some great results that help you to succeed with your affiliate program. Then sign off with a link for them to click if they are interested.

There are a lot of people who really do not know what they are selling and it sometimes shows. This doesn’t mean if you are new and/or have no actual first-hand experience, that you can’t write ad copy for something. You can still quote others – experts in the field and the same studies mentioned for statistics. If you ‘read up’ on the subject – study the website, read all the documentation you can, you can still be convincing.

Whichever way you have to look at it, keep it real! (tell the truth).

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