You would be surprised to learn as groggy as it may feel, that you are your most creative when you first wake up. Maybe it is just because of maximum velocity; or maybe stressful situations have not arisen yet so you are better able to focus on what needs to be done.

Whatever you use that extra hour for – to accomplish anything you know you need to do today – get it over with. Getting up earlier will also cause you to be tired earlier and you may start to fall asleep sooner. Many people have trouble sleeping and the sooner you start to try to fall asleep the better. It doesn’t take that much effort when you are really tired.
Sometimes you need to actually train yourself to fall asleep – you can practice with naps which are really good for you, especially if you do not sleep well during the night. If you can’t fall asleep keep your eyes shut, stretch out in a comfortable position and keep trying. On the other hand if you can’t fall asleep in an hour then get up and do something away from your bedroom so that your mind does not associate not being able to sleep with that area. Then go back and try again.
If you don’t have something you think you need to do in that extra hour that is business related then how about using it for some exercise? This will energize your day for sure if you start out with something healthy. Although the gym or gadgets will do, frankly something that involves fresh air is best if possible. It can change from day-to-day as long as you use the hour for something productive.
Particularly if you have a very busy schedule with a day job, a family, a home based business etc., any extra time you can squeeze in will not only make you more creative and productive, but will eventually make you feel a sense of peace and well-being because you are no longer rushing or feel like your life is just too tedious.
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