You know what? When things get tough you should realize you have to try harder just to keep up with your own status quo. Major clues may be that you appear to be stagnating (not making progress); or even worse you may be actually falling behind (sales are tanking).
Actually even this may be a positive thing because you may end up exceeding your past levels as a result of the extra effort you may put forth into trying to catch up! You may become re-enthused in accomplishing something with your business. Who knows at this time in your life, if you do not become even more excited about the possibilities and as a result be willing to make more effort to really succeed with your home business.
There is always something that seems paradoxical to some and that is to be ‘divorced from the fruits of your actions’. You naturally want to see results for your work. However it really can tend to make people want to rush and give them unrealistic expectations when they are only focused on the rewards. People really need to be aware that they need to focus on taking the actions that will eventually produce the results.
Otherwise you are putting ‘the carriage before the horse’. This is evident in many ‘new’ home business entrepreneurs where they are almost laser focused on – what they are going to get right away. They completely seem not to acknowledge logic or reality and insist that things will happen by osmosis merely because some successful guy told them it would.
They are in complete denial that they need to invest their time and effort to actually develop a business before they will see substantial results. It is not a quick, shallow half-effort a few times or once in a while. It needs to be a whole-hearted effort just like it would be if you had a job you wanted to do well with and succeed at.
The only difference is this one is for you – you are not putting forth this effort to make someone else rich. If you do it right and you really want it, it can be you that reaps the benefits. Think about that for a while especially if you feel bored or disenchanted with your life in general and/or your business in particular.
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