Seriously if you had advance knowledge that one of your peers or vendors had credibility issues would you proceed to do business with them? By credibility there are degrees that range from just not being on time for deadlines to more serious issues like not paying debts or repeatedly not delivering on promises.

Note that word ‘repeatedly’ – stuff does happen once in a while. We are all human and things can transpire that are actually beyond our control. So don’t make snap judgments – cut people some slack. However if it becomes a pattern where there are frequently issues that are inconvenient to you, then you should really start reconsidering your decision to work with this person or company.
Remember the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’. Even if you are reasonably straight in your business transactions, if you associate with people who have credibility issues you may be considered as one in the same. People may wonder if they can trust you either.
Again it can happen to anyone that we join a program that tanks or worse has some legal issues that end up costing people. If nothing else, the fact that this can happen to perfectly innocent people should tell us that we need to do some research before we join a program. We should also keep checking periodically for any indications that there may be trouble coming.
You know the saying ‘if it sounds too good to be true it probably is’. Really apply some logic and read up on the various infamous scams. Ask yourself – does this sound like that? If yes, you probably don’t want to get involved. Do consider however, that a small detail may make it different, so you should ask the company directly if you have any doubt either way.
Not saying believe every rumor but you as an intelligent adult should be able to tell the difference between some wild rumor and several comments or reviews which seem to be pointing to the same direction. You can choose to hang in there and see what actually happens, and risk losing a little money on the opportunity should it be the worst case scenario; or you can take your money and go before it comes down to that.
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