We all agree we would rather ‘not make waves’ and have everything in our lives running as smoothly as possible. Almost like what they call ‘living on easy street’. However things can happen at any time to change that perception. Problems may arrive at any time that could impact your health, your family, your home, career, or finances.

Of course it would be best for all concerned if there were none of these dramas. However, obviously we have to learn to ‘roll with the punches’ whenever they do. Depending on to what degree there are problems, we need to be prepared ahead of time as much as we can analyze and determine.
Sometimes people just need a challenge. Maybe it is just too much easy street that can become a rut. Once in a while, we need something to push us in order that we make some extra effort. Again it is hoped it is never anything serious.
… but did you know that for some people something extremely negative can really push them into a whole new realm of optimism? You would be very surprised how the ‘fight or flight’ instinct can come into play. There are a few different personalities that may be relevant here and each one may respond differently.
Here is a real simple example: If you are a positive person in general, and the problem is your home business. Maybe you notice that your sales are tanking. First you need to find out why and make some changes to your operations and/or budget (business operating account).
You jump right on it and manage to beat it – you may try several things until you see the trend has changed after a while. You keep on pounding it until you are ‘home free’. Good job!
The other type of person figures ‘oh well’ it’s no big deal the few dollars I ever made with this’. They just leave it as it is and let it sink deeper into a black hole. Eventually they terminate the program and/or the website. No big deal except you may have just eliminated a source of income that someday could have been substantial. Not to mention wasted any time or money you spent on it in the past.
Oh well it is only money that could have been yours.
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