Sometimes we have been careless or lax with the way we conduct our relationships with our members and peers. When we start getting negative feedback, or we notice that it is starting to get pervasive, we decide to ‘turn over a new leaf’.

We resign ourselves to the fact that we need to do better at delivering our services. You know, when we realize we need to treat people with respect and courtesy if we want to keep them on our team. Well, apologies go a long way as do any refunds or other adjustments we may have to make to atone for our bad business behavior.
However if we are really going to make any lasting improvements we are going to need to be consistent. That means getting it together and keeping it together. It shouldn’t be next month when the same mistakes happen and the same things ‘fall through the cracks’.
It is not the job of the customer to be constantly reminding us of what we are supposed to know to do – It’s like ‘clockwork’. So just making incremental improvements that keep falling apart is really not going to work either. Again it is not the customer’s responsibility to remind us of what we should know we always have to keep straight.
It can be likened to always being late with financial responsibilities or always being late or absent when we make appointments. The hilt of this insult is when we don’t even bother to apologize. It just doesn’t get much more insulting than that.
You can bet your bottom dollar (and it just may be that one) that you will start to see an exodus of your customers who do not have time to run your business for you. So what you need is to clean up your act and be consistent about staying that way.
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