Mainly in that it is easier to learn with ‘hands on’ strategy for most people, you need to start thinking for yourself. Unless you are not given any instructions you shouldn’t automatically contact support to have them do things for you. What do you learn by having someone else do something? Nothing.

In most cases support won’t do something for you that they know there are instructions for and that you can do yourself. There is no excuse here like ‘I can’t’. There is no can’t. If you want something then you need to learn about it and be able to do it going forward.
If you have the money to pay for technical support that is up to you – however again, you won’t learn anything and you will always need help. That is not the real idea of having your own home business where you are the boss and know how your business actually works. If you can afford to pay for support maybe they will be kind enough to give you the instructions so you can try it on your own.
With affiliate programs for example the support and everything you need to start is free. Some would realize this is really fortunate and that the opportunity deserves your undivided attention. Many others will adopt an ‘entitlement’ mindset and expect more and more free services.
How much would you/could you do free? Not much because time is money and if you are spending all your time giving free support you likely will not have sufficient time for your own critical money-making options. So be logical – do not expect people to run your business for you.
The entitlement people do not think in terms of imposing on anyone since the only importance to them is getting what they feel is their due. It must be sad and lonely in that state of mind where nobody else really counts and we can’t lift a finger even to help ourselves.
Don’t even get started on ‘freebie seekers’ – they are cousins of the entitlement clan. They can only participate if something is free. No matter how much they have received free, the minute they see even an optional charge they are done. They never imagine how a program that gives so much away for free to help people get started, may need support themselves.
As such they may need to create a fee structure where there is some chance (usually optional) to receive help to run the company by selling services, etc. Be realistic. There is no sin here. Where do you suppose they get the money to run their program? The tooth fairy?
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