Being home alone whether you have a home business or not, there are some things that may be true either way. Being home is wonderful but it can be lonely if you are more of a ‘people person’. You can get used to it though. There are ways within reason that you can be happy, for example making dates with friends on a regular basis to have lunch, dinner, etc.

Even texting on your phone, using an online chat client or social network, one of the best things about working alone from home online is when you realize there are hundreds of people out there. In many cases they have much more in common with you than the people at your job. You are really not alone.
You really do need to take regular ‘breathers’ to get out of the house periodically (and regularly). Don’t wake up one day and realize you are getting depressed or ‘stir crazy’ from staying alone too much. Don’t turn your home business into another rut like your job.’ Be sure you still get lots of rest, fresh air and exercise. Particularly if you work both outside and in your home, you may not feel like you have time. Make Time. If you fall apart exhausted or to the point of illness, who will run everything?
If you do enjoy staying home, do something productive even on a ‘hobby’ basis. You can have a great time and improve your fortunes if you make your home generate money to help with your living expenses. In several ways you can improve your atmosphere just by keeping busy and doing something productive. Your ‘hobby home business’ can be a learning tool that might eventually develop into a money making business.
You may have to start at organizing your space to make room for a home office or workshop. This will not only give you a feeling of ‘space’ where you can breathe and think clearly, it can be an exercise that you do each day, one room top to bottom until the whole house is clear.
Don’t forget not to hoard things. If you see things you haven’t seen in years, that means you don’t need them. Start a few piles; one to donate to any number of places for people that really need things; and one for the garbage. Once your atmosphere has been cleared and you are breathing better, you can think clearer. At this point start a few lists of things that interest you and that you like to do. Do some research on how you could do these things at home and make some extra money.
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