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Business Start-Up – There Will be Stress

Stress can be good or bad for you. Being very busy working is a good kind of stress especially if you enjoy what you are doing. Exerting yourself to achieve your goal, while stressful, can be gratifying. Stresses like these can actually serve to motivate you.

just chill!

Some stresses we can’t avoid as they are just a part of life. These stresses are like wars and rumors of wars, crime, illness, catastrophes in nature, financial and relationship problems, etc. These are amplified due to the fact that they are accompanied by fear and anxiety — sometimes even before they actually happen (worry). As they say you can’t always change something or someone so you just have to change how you deal with them.

Our minds and bodies are directly related. One can really have a detrimental (or positive) effect on the other over time. If you are using a lot of your energy to worry then you may compromise your immune system. This creates a vulnerability to physical as well as mental illness.

Considered major life events, starting a business, just like starting a new job, moving to a new residence, or ending a serious relationship are considered super-stressful. We must have some coping mechanisms ready to deal with the unexpected or our problems can really undermine our well-being.

We have only a limited amount of energy as finite human beings, and if we use 50% or more to worry or be emotionally upset it will take a toll from the good parts of life like our work. Taking time away to relax and rest will actually help to make you more efficient and productive. If you are able to focus on your work, you will find it is easier to achieve your goals.

Start with a nice deep cleansing breath. Exercise, even minor is very therapeutic especially for stress. Be sure to get even 5-10 minute walks in every day if nothing else but to keep your circulation going. You can also talk yourself down if you are really riled up and don’t want to make a scene. Give yourself a break. Be sure to eat well and get plenty of sleep.

We are just like machines and we need maintenance and fuel to function at the top of our game. If you have all that covered then your mind and body are feeling great and ready to excel in whatever you do.


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