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Blogging for Internet Marketing – Got ‘Writer’s Block’?

Writer’s block seems to be more of an issue of a lack of ideas on what to write about than the actual inability to write. Especially when someone is new and they can’t truthfully say how successful they have been yet, people will sometimes feel they have nothing to say. There is also so much information they are being barraged with and it makes them feel like they don’t know anything. These are just temporary obstacles if a person really wants to write.

New marketers should understand that they NEED to be able to write – no matter what. Blogging is the primary valuable and by the way FREE way to promote a domain, website or business. This is therefore not a fact that we can just ‘file and forget’- We must somehow force ourselves to write; and it is not only blogging, but writing ads, communicating with our peers, prospects and customers, trying to convey an issue to a technical support or customer service agent to get something done, and participating in social networks and forums.

Some of these avenues, for example blogging and maybe submitting articles to a directory, we could pay for ghostwriters to create content for us. They can be reasonably priced for the average person – Maybe $5-25 per article. For sales pages and advertising we might need expensive copywriters and designers in order to get really professional, compelling copy and design to promote our business, and these can cost a lot more. (so best if we learn how to do this ourselves to some degree in the future, if possible or hope we can afford to pay).

If you are like most people starting out in Internet Marketing you don’t have a lot of money to work with at first and maybe even for the first year or so. This is one of the reasons why you just need to sit down and start writing. Write anything. Pretend you are writing a letter to a friend – and you do want to write as if you are open and relaxed as you would with a friend. Nobody needs to create a textbook or technical specifications here, just be able to clearly convey an idea or concept – even an opinion works.

Don’t get ‘stage fright’ – nobody is going to judge you – that is if you can at least be cognizant of correct spelling and grammar, which only requires proofreading and being careful – as close to accurate as we can get, maybe looking up a few words on a search engine if you are not sure how it is spelled; Most Wordprocessors (MS Office Word, etc.) have spell check so that should help too. (however they don’t catch things like words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context – for example – ‘Right me a letter’ should of course be ‘Write me a letter) So just take a minute to browse through what you have written before you publish it. Doesn’t need to be perfect, just close!

So what if you are not an expert marketer or writer yet? Not a problem. You can write about what you are learning, or your opinion of things that you read. And by the way, reading is an excellent way to get ideas for what to write about. Of course never copy word for word, but you can just rewrite anything in your own words. Of course be honest if you have not yet experienced something yourself first-hand or earned a substantial amount – There is nothing wrong with quoting people who have. As long as you are truthful and give credit to the author, and use “quote” marks to indicate you are quoting not composing.

Write ON!

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