Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Are You One Who Lives to Work or Who Works to Live?

Some people love to work and their job is a priority. These folks enjoy working and look forward to it. Others not so much and just show up for the paycheck and do as little as they can get away with. Hard to tell if they have something they really do like to do, like a hobby, such as photography or painting – maybe not even that.

work it out!

It is pretty common to hear the expression ‘starving artists’. That’s because for some reason they usually spend several years of creating art that doesn’t sell and doesn’t often generate enough money to live on. Many times artists have no sense of business so they may mismanage most financial issues. Sad, but maybe something about the struggle may contribute to developing their talent.

If we live to work or work to live , the difference may depend t on whether you have a job where you are doing something you like to do if not just tolerate it well. Sometimes it is necessary to do anything we can to support ourselves when in dire straits. This may have to be okay for a limited time, but if it becomes a permanent career it can become a real mental and emotional drain.

Other than sleeping, our work consumes a large portion of our daily life. We should really try to be happy with what we are doing – or are forced to be doing. It really requires some strength to remain positive in a negative situation. However, if we are in a position where we are not really happy, we need to try to change it.

In today’s financial environment, we can’t just throw away a job, because the days are gone where we knew we could always find something better. We are fortunate if we have a way to support ourselves on any decent level. If we really want more, we have to believe that we can do it and then we have to take action to achieve our goals.

If we love to work it will be a lot easier if we have to develop a business to supplement our income, or to start mapping out a planning an escape from our hamster wheel (rut) to save our sanity among other things. If you are willing to try working at home at least part-time to begin to build a business you can get creative and build something you like doing.

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